Home....Where My Story Begins

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Christmas is starting early this year! With a whirlwind of shopping that started at 4:00 am waiting for a portable DVD player for Tyler...yes grandma love you!
I woke Joel up at 3:30 am and off we went. I had a great spot being 5th in line for the player...Joel headed towards the entertainment section looking for a GPS System. (Does it sound like everything I want comes with initials?) Joel came back to wait with me when he couldn't find the item he wanted...who would quess sporting goods?
People kept coming and circling the box of players...So much for the line! With 5 minutes to go the clerk declares that the cases were on the side I was on and the players were on the other side. She couldn't have told us that an hour ago! Then she started to take the lid off...People started diving in! I bent over to reach the player and I kid you not women came over my back. As I'm bracing myself with one hand and one hand on the players and yelling that I'm getting squashed, Joel steps back to let it all happen.
I was determined to get the players. Vickie couldn't even get close so I was grabbing some for her too! I stood up with 3 players and 2 cases. Alive and Well!
Then it was off to Cleveland for the rest of the day and no more excitement until Erica started running to the bathroom with vomiting and diarrhea! Trying to round all of us up to get Erica home proved to be the last stressor for the day!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Time Flies!

I can't believe it's been such a long time since my last post!

Let's face it! I was never very good at keeping journals during my teen years and I've never improved this skill after all these years!

The past few months have been a painful time....Walking that is! I've done something to my left heel and I'm not sure what! Friday, after 2 months of dealing with the pain of walking I decided to go to a local therapy clinic and see if I can be helped!

I was in no way prepared for what was to happen next....The x-rays were negative for a hair line fracture...which at the time I thought was the good news. Wrong! The shot I received in my heel to help the healing process had to be one of the most painful experiences I've ever had. Remember I delivered three children naturally! That was a breeze.... And I mean a breeze!

Everyone in the office had to have heard my scream!

Later that evening I had to literally crawl up and down the stairs. Two days later I have no improvement and the fear of having to do this injection again is frightfully scary. I think the pain when walking might be the worse of the two evils.