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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Shaken Baby Syndrome

Today I attended a great training on Shaken Baby Syndrome: Please see the information below, and if you know a new mom or dad, please pass it on. It could save a child!

Tips for Coping & Understanding Infant Crying:

Remember the 2-2-2 theory. Babies can begin to cry as early as 2 weeks of age, crying peaks at 2 months, and a baby can cry up to 2 hours per day. Crying is a normal part of infant development.

Develop an action plan for how you will handle your baby’s crying. Develop strategies for soothing your child and yourself. Locate a safe place (e.g., baby’s crib or playpen) where the baby can lay down while you take a break.

Be proactive – develop a family support plan of how you and your family members will support one another during your baby’s peak crying periods. Also, talk with your child’s caregivers to develop a plan for communicating with one another, including relieving your child’s caregiver, if needed, during times of stress.

When feeling rattled, first, ensure that baby is in a safe place, then…

Take a break from the crying
Read a magazine or book
Take a deep breath
Call a friend or family
Take a warm bath
And, finally, remember…no matter how frustrated you get, never shake a baby.


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